Monday, April 24, 2006

New Release: Hind Hind Legs

Also out as of last Tuesday, was the Lovely Feathers' new album, Hind Hind Legs. The first time I heard these guys was back in October of last year. I saw them live and was absolutely blown away. The Lovely Feathers are another strange band, but onstage they had this amazing energy. I don't think I've ever seen any other band seem so happy to be onstage. Anyway, Hind Hind Legs is their second album and you can listen to three of the tracks off of it over at Myspace.

Here is the band's official website. They are currently touring around Ontario and Quebec, so if you are in that area, then I suggest checking them out. I also have a few Lovely Feathers tracks for you.


The Bronze
Force Fire Force

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