Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Flashback - Intro

Hey all!^^ This is Mariella, commonly called Ju, doing my first entry for the magic, people.

Or run for the hills. >.> Either works.

Anyways, I've joined with Philip and Sheez in order to cover the oft-neglected side of alternative music: the obscure classics. Thus, enter Flashbacks: what we hope to accomplish in these is to spread the word about music that doesn't get nearly enough credit, or has unjustly been ignored/forgotten by people at large. You probably won't get too much in the way of news, considering that most of these bands broke up before most of us could pronounce the word "Alternative" without lisping the 'l's...but expect some boss tracks and record rec's.

So, listen to Sub-Pop's excellent point and pay attention, we go!

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