Sunday, May 28, 2006

Mixtape: A Change in Wind

First off, I'd just like to apologise for the blatent lack of updates these past two weeks. All three of us are insanely busy with school and other various things, but that'll be over quite soon. But we do have something you can look forward to - a review of The Constantine's show in Calgary last weekend! Both Ju and Phil were there, so one of them will get around to reviewing it. Also, Phil said something about The Thurston Revival - we've got a lot to look forward to! As well, there's an extra mixtape coming up - there will be one next sunday in addition to the one every two week schedual I've got going on right now.

Now, to the mixtape. I did promise something a little more upbeat this time; however, I apparently lied. This is not upbeat. This is not happy. There's hope in it, but there's also pain. Yes, I'm being a little bit melodramatic. It's allowed.

A Change In Wind
May 28/06
All songs in mp3 format, unless otherwise noted.
Theme: Hopefulness within despair
Zip: Right here.

01. City and Colour - This Sudden Injury
["and she waits, my love, my love falls away"]

02. Regina Spector - Somedays [m4a]
["somedays, I'll endure it all"]
03. The Album Leaf - Last Time Here
04. Jason Mraz - You Make Me High
["and I don't wish to know my ending"]
05. Ani DiFranco - Out of Habit
["that I'm living for something I can't even define"]

06. Anna Nalick - Catalyst
["part of this terrible mess that you're making"]

07. Azure Ray - Displaced
["if I can just hold on tonight"]

08. Broken Social Scene - Superconnected *
["and you want to believe it"]

09. Fiona Apple - Oh Well
["what wasted unconditional love on someone who doesn't believe in the stuff"]

10. Beth Orton - This One's Gonna Bruise
["did you even notice how the wind, it didn't change that much"]

11. Stars - Tonight
["come around and say you love me - please, let's make it work tonight"]

* This is a live version of the song, recorded from the KRCW performance

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally needed to tell you that I knew 5 of the artists on this mix tape!

City and Color
Broken Social Scene
Jason Mraz (which, by the way, you're welcome)
Azure Ray

So :P
You said I'd only know Stars.

Or wait, did you say songs? If that's the case, I do know more than 1 of the songs. :P

XD Awe, sorry, I had to say it. Much love. Love the mix tape!!!!! So much!