Monday, February 26, 2007

Abernethy - College Grove

This music is the dream you have after the most intense day of your life. The music is fierce, yet whimsical at the same time. From the driven opening piano of Astronaut, to the closing (what sounds like a) violin in Flowers, the musicality and melody of College Grove will pick you up, and sweep you away.

I couldn't begin to think how to classify this album; Abernethy seems to be a genre upon himself. Indie folk would be the technical term for it, I suppose, but that hardly seems to cover it. Abernethy switches seemlessly from moving ballads (such as The Voice), to something that wouldn't sound too out of place in Sufjan's playlist - very playful, like Unforgettably Young. However, it works in a way that most musicians cannot capture.

But the music will speak for itself more eloquently then I ever could.

And if anyone could possibly need more convincing; Everyone Who Knows You from his first album, He Teeny She.


Lesa said...

Dang, you're getting comment spam. Since everyone's leaving links, I'll leave one that's actually relevant: Dawn Xiana Moon, folk pop singer-songwriter. Check her out, she's awesome. Indie folk, if you will.

Anonymous said... is very informative. The article is very professionally written. I enjoy reading every day.