Sunday, February 25, 2007

[Local Feature] Remote Kid

Greetings. Ohayo. Hola. Guttentag. Bonjour. (insert-greeting-in-some-other-steriotypical-language-here)

Yes, I am aware that it has been a while. Quite a while. >.>

I am also aware, however, though you dear little ducklings may not be, that if I don't start working on all those projects I SHOULD have been doing during Reading Week, I will very soon be in a very large amount of trouble.

Thus, I have decided to balance my guilt over NOT doing what I should be by attending to another aspect I feel to have been woefully neglected.

(This is the excuse I maintain, instead of the real reason, being that it took me a full week to figure out/remember how to log into Blogger again. *feels rather like an idiot*)

...Upon reading what I have just written, it is clear to me that I am making little, if any sense. Thus, let us move onto the point. "Cut to the chase", as those industry types would have it. (Yes, I was just watching the Oscars...and I STILL think Pan's Labyrinth should've won the little statuette thingy for Foreign Language Xp). Oh dear, I'm rather bad at NOT rambling, aren't I? O_o

Remote Kid.

Yes. That was, rather, the point.

Witness here the beginning of a change in the focus of at least MY contributions to this blog; having this wonderful space to rant and pretend someone cares what I think, I have decided to create yet another section, focusing on some of the local talent happening right here in our fair city of Calgary.

Once again...Remote Kid.

Despite the underwhelming name, this little band has managed to impress me live not just once, but TWICE. For cheap, too...O_o Can't underestimate the importance of an art student's budget in determining what, exactly, is a worthwhile pursuit. ^^;

What do they sound like, you ask? Well, rather like everything good and pure that we love about indie music. Those little melodies and fragile things that make us hold our breath when we listen to something beautiful. Yes, there's the glockenspiel, and the sweet guitar riffage, and mellow (yet multiple members singing) vocals and...what? Is that...a violin? Why, yes! Yes it is! And thank God, because good violin is something that makes everything better.

EVERYTHING. *narrow eyes*

Now, I know there's probably a few skeptical minds in the audience...I mean, some small-time Calgary band can't be THAT good, right? Their wonderfully heart-stopping shoegazing and sighs of iridescent ambient indie pop couldn't be THAT arresting, right? Of course, in thinking this, you would be calling our friends over at I (heart) Music ignorant clods, since they seemed to like our wonderfully local Woodpigeon so very much.

Who, coincidentally, recorded a split 7" with Remote Kid.

Take that.

B*tches. Xp

So yes, you have no choice BUT to check out these guys. I mean, Woodpigeon thinks they're good. And I (heart) Music thinks Woodpigeon's good. And you wouldn't want to gainsay those guys, would you? Xp I thought not.

Remote Kid can be found on their Myspace ( Or on their website, at


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